Rideshare Sex Abuse

Instances of rideshare sex abuse occur when a passenger or driver of a rideshare service becomes a victim of a sex crime. If you’ve experienced this, you might be grappling with trauma, medical expenses, and other challenges. Understanding that you have the potential to hold the perpetrator accountable is crucial.

Our compassionate and seasoned New York City rideshare sex abuse lawyers at Hach & Rose, LLP, are here to support you. The aftermath of such an experience can be bewildering, but we’re dedicated to helping you navigate through it. Take the first step by reaching out to us via phone or online to review your case and explore your legal options.

How Prevalent is Uber and Lyft Sex Abuse?

Official statistics regarding the prevalence of rideshare sex abuse are unavailable, with no definitive conclusions drawn from government data. However, evidence indicates occurrences of sex abuse within Uber and Lyft, including:

  • Uber’s safety report cites 3,824 reports of sex abuse/assault in 2019 and 2020.
  • Lyft recorded 4,158 sexual assault reports over three years.

While ridesharing services have potentially contributed to reducing sexual assaults in certain cities, it’s evident that safety isn’t guaranteed once inside an Uber or Lyft. Instances of abuse may involve drivers or other passengers.

What Constitutes Rideshare Sex Abuse?

Rideshare sex abuse can manifest in various forms, such as:

  • Unwanted kissing
  • Unwanted touching
  • Attempted or successful sexual penetration

Any act or behavior that qualifies as sex abuse in another setting also qualifies within a rideshare context like Uber or Lyft. If uncertain whether your experience aligns with rideshare sex abuse, consulting with a lawyer is advisable.

Immediate Steps After a Rideshare Sex Abuse Incident

If you’ve been a victim of rideshare sex abuse, take these immediate actions:

  • Prioritize safety – If feasible, seek refuge with a trusted family member or friend. Call 911 if urgent assistance is required.
  • Report the incident – Contact 911 or local authorities to report the experience, ensuring your safety first. Seek medical help promptly if needed.
  • Seek medical attention – Visit a hospital or urgent care facility immediately if physically harmed. Notify medical staff about your intention to report the assault to the police after receiving care.

Prompt medical attention is vital after a sex abuse incident as it may yield evidence crucial to your case.

How a New York Rideshare Sex Abuse Attorney Can Assist

After such a traumatic experience, a New York rideshare sex abuse lawyer can alleviate some burdens by:

  • Collecting evidence – Coordinating with authorities or conducting independent investigations to gather evidence.
  • Assessing claim value – Evaluating the compensation you may rightfully seek without making unrealistic promises.
  • Handling paperwork – Managing legal tasks while you focus on your recovery.

Should you file a claim with a rideshare company’s insurance, your lawyer can negotiate with adjusters, rejecting inadequate offers and, if necessary, representing you in court proceedings.

Seeking Compensation for Rideshare Sex Abuse Victims

As a victim of rideshare sex abuse, you may be entitled to compensation for:

  • Economic losses – Including medical bills, lost wages due to inability to work, and other financial burdens.
  • Non-economic losses – Such as pain, suffering, and emotional distress, which lack an objective monetary value.

A jury might also award punitive damages if the liable party acted maliciously or willfully.

Rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft have a responsibility to hire trustworthy drivers and could be held accountable if their drivers commit sexual assault. However, legal options remain available even if the perpetrator was another passenger or if you’re an Uber/Lyft driver assaulted by a passenger. Consult a New York rideshare sex abuse lawyer to understand your options based on your case specifics.

Contact a New York Rideshare Sex Abuse Lawyer

Pursuing justice following a rideshare sex abuse incident can be daunting alone. Engaging a lawyer is crucial. At Hach & Rose, LLP, our NYC rideshare sex abuse lawyers offer compassionate support while fiercely advocating for your rights. We prioritize your well-being and are available for a confidential case review, whether in our offices or your home. Connect with us via phone or online to learn more about how we can assist you.

Contact Hach & Rose, LLP right now at (212) 779-0057 for a FREE, discreet consultation
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